Phone: 567-321-5678

  • Product Info

    Neobuxbaumia polylopha cactus is a species of large columnar cacti, found almost exclusively in a small region in Guanajanto, Mexico. Its specific epithet, polylopha, translates to “many ribs”, and references the 10 to 30 ribs that can be counted on each segment. 

    Size (Can grow to) Large 2 metres

    Position Bright sunlight

    Watering Low

    All plant and pot combos will be sent with the plant and pot separate. If you would like your plant to be potted into your chosen pot then please leave us a comment at checkout.

    This store is a demo for the Foodie Shopify theme, products shown with permission and available for purchase from The Polished Leaf

  • Product Type:


  • Collection:


  • Position:

    Bright Light,

  • Watering:


Shipped with love from sunny Florida ☀️

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